Is your Will up to date?
Wills & Estate Lawyer, Leanne Mastrofilippo, looks at why and when you should revise your Will.
Victims of family violence—how to engage in mediation if you have suffered domestic abuse
Dispute resolution is no longer optional in the family law system. In fact, most cases will require litigants to engage in mediation prior to the commencement of court proceedings. What does this mean to victims of family violence?
The State of Family Law in 2024
More Australian couples are choosing to separate or divorce since the end of the COVID pandemic. What does this mean for Australians going through separation and how is Family Law evolving to reflect modern society?
How will the new amendments to family law impact court decisions in matters where there has been family violence?
How will the Family Law Amendment Bill (2023) affect court decisions where there have been instances of family violence? Catherine Parks looks into how the court currently considers domestic violence in relation to parenting matters and property settlements. She then explores how the bill (if successful) will legislate case law established in Kennon v Kennon (1997), ensuring that property settlements decided in court factor in the occurrence of domestic violence.
What is Collaborative Law (and is it the right option for me?)
Collaborative law practice seeks to use a joint team of professionals, of various disciplines, to assist the parties in focusing negotiations on the unique interests (needs, desires, fears and concerns) of each family rather than the stated positions of its individual members. It is a process aimed at assisting separating partners to calmly divide assets and make arrangements for the care of children in an informed way that caters for your particular family’s needs.
Celebrating Mother’s Day in a separated family
Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and as everyone prepares to celebrate the special mother figure in their lives, we recognize that Mother’s Day can be the cause of heightened emotions, frustration, and disappointment for separated families. In today’s article, Catherine Parks offers some helpful suggestions on how to make the best of your situation, and how to plan for Mother’s Day in your family.
Choosing the right lawyer.
Theoretically we can do our own tax returns but most of us choose to use an accountant when dealing with the ATO. We can also theoretically do our own divorces, but again there are significant benefits to using a Family Lawyer.